Week 11: Bonhoeffer & Conflict

Strange Glory: A Life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer,' by Charles Marsh - The New  York Times

Perhaps you’ve heard of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, but maybe you haven’t. If you haven’t (and even if you have), I invite you to read one of the features on his life such as this New York Times article. We will be hearing from one of the world’s leading Bonhoeffer scholars this week, Dr. Derek Taylor, as we discuss Ch. 4 of Bonhoeffer’s classic book, Life Together. Dr. Taylor has researched and written on Bonhoeffer extensively, including several peer-reviewed articles (e.g., “Bonhoeffer and the Benedict Option: The Mission of Monasticism in a Post-Christian World” and “What’s This Book Actually About? Life Together and the Possibility of Theological Knowledge“), and a recently-released book titled Reading Scripture as the Church: Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Hermunitic of Discipleship.

The second half of our synchronous class will be by Karina & Erica, as we discuss Ch. 8 of Getting to Yes.

Because most–if not all–of our class time this week will be dedicated to our readings, I have recorded a mini-lectures on Conflict Analysis which will be available Monday.

As always, you can email me or schedule a time to meet with me via my Calendly.

Week 11 To-Do List

❑ Attend synchronous class Thursday @ 8 a.m. (Pacific)
Life Together (Ch. 4)
Class Discussion #8
❑ Watch Conflict Analysis mini-lecture