Week 12: Family Conflict

Preventing Family Conflict Through an Aging Parent's Transition
Aren’t stock images of conflict great?

This week we will be exploring a key tenet of Bonhoeffer’s Life Together, listening, and then in class we will be discussing family conflict. Look for the listening mini-lecture to drop Monday.

Dane & Michael will be leading us in our final class discussion (I know you’re sad, but I promise we’ll make it through). In class we will be discussing Fisher & Ury (“10 questions…”) and Stone, Patton & Heen, 2010 (Chs. 1 & 2).

A couple of reminders:
1. We will have one more guest speaker next week, Dr. Gloria Walters, who is a licensed psychologist at Pepperdine
2. Your case study essay is due next week on May 7

As always, you can email me or schedule a time to meet with me via my Calendly.

Week 12 To-Do List

❑ Attend synchronous class Thursday @ 8 a.m. (Pacific)
Class Discussion #9
❑ Read Fisher & Ury (“10 questions…”)
❑ Read Stone, Patton & Heen, 2010 (Chs. 1 & 2)
❑ Watch Listening mini-lecture (dropping Monday)