Case Study: South Africa

In Afrikaans, the term Apartheid means “the state of being apart.”


A brief 90-second primer on Apartheid South Africa
A short 2013 CBS report on the Sharpeville massacre with interviews with survivors
A white BBC journalist reflects on Apartheid (content warning: violence, death, outdated language)

Other Resources

Important People

African National Congress (ANC)

National Party (succeeded by the New National Party)

Important Dates

1948 – National Party enacts Apartheid

1950 – Population and Resegregation Act of 1950 and Group Areas Act of 1950 enacted to segregate population

1960 – Sharpeville massacre (March 21)

1964 – ANC leader Nelson Mandela sentenced to life in prison

1966 – Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd assassinated (September 6)

1976 – Soweto Uprising (June 16-18)

1990 – Nelson Mandela is released from prison (February 11)

1991 – F. W. de Klerk repeals remaining Apartheid laws

1994 – First free elections post-Apartheid (April 26-29)