Theology & Ethics Essay

Points: 25
Due date: Friday, March 19 @ 11:59 p.m.
Turn in instructions: PDF on Courses

This 5-7 page essay option gives you space to explore more complex issues of ethics or theology related to conflict. For example, you might choose to explore and critique liberation theology, the prosperity gospel, or critical race theory and their effects on interpersonal, organizational, international, or community conflicts. The paper should outline the essential tenets of the issue you attend to and should argue a position on its truth and applicability. This is a lot to do in 5-7 pages, so be concise. Outline carefully. Please use APA style. Your reference page does not count for your page limit. 

Paper Outline

Section 1

The first section of the paper should introduce the specific theological or ethical issue that you wish to address. You should explain the basics of the issue, their importance, and you should point out key thinkers and their roles, along with connections to course content. At the end of this section you should include a clearly stated (bold font) thesis statement and a preview of your argument’s structure.

You might want to run this idea by me in advance so that I can help you narrow down your idea for this length of a paper.

Section 2

The second section of the paper should state and form an argument that you defend with the help of other thinkers. Use as many sources as you need to make a sound argument (hint: this will require a fair amount of reading, thinking, and citing). This section should demonstrate your mastery of the intricacies of conflict issues that we have addressed so far. 

Section 3

The third section of the paper should offer counterarguments to your argument and explain why your argument might still stand under that argument. You should, however, also identify the weaknesses of your own argument, in other words, where the counterarguments have merit. 

Section 4

Finally, offer a summarizing conclusion that emphasizes the importance of the issue and your argument. 

Achievement Level per citationMissingInadequatePoorFairGoodExceptional
Quality of Argument
0 points2 points
Poor logical construction. The answer fails to address the question, or makes serious logical errors.
4 points6 points
Weak logical construction
8 points10 points
An excellent logical construction with compelling problem statement, logical solution, and compelling reason
Course Material
Specific references to COM 419 material & additional sources
0 points2 points
No inclusion of specific course content. This answer could have been written without taking the course.
4 points6 points
A few references to course content, but little or nothing specific.
8 points10 points
Several specific references to course content. The answer reveals a mastery of the course content.
Quality of writing
0 points1 points
Poor writing that is hard to understand and has numerous typos and/or grammatical errors.
2 points3 points
Marginal writing. Understandable but below average with numerous errors.
4 points5 points
Excellent writing that is clear and concise. No grammatical issues present.